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단 7일, 조선 역사상 가장 짧은 시간 동안 왕비의 자리에 오른 단경왕후 신 씨가 중심이 된 사극. 막강한 권력을 가진 가문의 딸로 태어난 채경은 가문의 번영을 위해 혼인해야 한다. 정혼자인 왕의 둘째 아들인 진성대군 이역과 여러 사건으로 얽히면서 사랑에 빠지고, 둘만의 평온한 미래를 그린다. 하지만 왕이 된 진성의 형, 연산군 이융은 왕권을 안정시키고 채경을 차지하기 위해 진성대군을 제거하려 한다.

Queen for Seven Days is a historical drama that draws attention to the Queen who was dethroned from her position after merely just seven days during the Joseon dynasty. While she was on the throne, Lady Shin, or Queen Dan Gyeong, is said to have been forcibly expelled from the palace by her political rivals. She's been known to be the shortest person to have reigned as a Queen in the history of Korea. It's also been known that the King and the Queen spent the rest of their lives longing for each other after she was dethroned and abandoned. Unlike how everyone else used to look at him with fear in their eyes, Lee Yung met a young woman who reached out to him first. For her, he desired to become a good king, but the world was too cruel to him. This fictional drama focuses on the love and struggle of the woman who was unwillingly drawn into the political world.

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