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하루 15분 세번으로 거북목 교정하자! 바른자세를 위한 밀당넥!오랜시간 책상에 앉아있는 분, 나쁜자세가 습관이 된 분, 바른자세 교정을 원하시는 분에게 필요한 넥서포터. 바른 목을 만들어주는 밀당 원리. 턱을 밀어 고정시켜주고 목을 당겨 올바른 목을 유지, 네오프랜 소재로 피부 자극없는 부드러운 착용감! 온라인몰 에서 구매 가능하며, 전화주문은 월요일 - 목요일: 9am - 6pm PST / 금요일: 9am - 5pm PST / 토요일: 9am - 1pm PST (714-266-1432)로 가능합니다.

PUREPLAN Neck Shoulder Relaxer Traction Device for TMJ Pain Relief, Chiropractic. Cervical Collar Posture Neck Stretcher Brace Support.Relief and Correction the neck pain in use 15 Minutes per Day. Simple and Effective Physical solution to smooth away stiff neck and helps in restoring. Easy to use and carry out anywhere. Traction device makes it easy to do physical therapy exercises at home, work, and school everywhere. Comfortable design & Breathable material: The Ergonomic V-Shaped Design improves the physiological curvature of the cervical spine and making it more comfortable to wear. You can order at and phone orders are also available on Mon-Thu: 9am - 6pm/ Fri: 9am - 5pm/ Sat: 9am - 1pm PST (714-266-1432).

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