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전체 자영업 중 폐업 업종 1위가 바로 요식업! ‘3대천왕’, ‘푸드트럭’ 등으로 식문화의 활성화와 창업신드롬을 일으키고 있는 요식업계의 유일무이한 마이다스 손 백종원이 일명 지역경제 심폐소생 프로젝트를 시작한다! 백종원의 치명적인 독설을 약으로 받아들이고 장사 필살기와 궁극레시피를 전수받아 절대 망하지 않는 거리로 재탄생한다!
In Korea, despite increase in diners and booming economy, restaurant business is one of the most failed businesses. Baek Jong-won, whose sharp business acumen and cooking mastery earned him a nickname 'the chef with golden hand,' is here to revive the food allies that are losing business. Owners who bear Master Baek’s harsh criticism and take in his advice on creating recipes and running business will make their business fail proof!
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