전쟁으로 폐허가 된 조선에 한 영웅이 등장한다. 부모 없이 가난하게 자란 그는 힘을 가진 자들의 폭정에 신음하는 힘없는 이웃들을 위해 칼을 쥐고, 그만의 방식으로 정의를 실현한다. 조선 최고의 협객, 무사 백동수의 파란만장한 삶을 그린 액션 활극.
The one who would become the hero of the war-torn people. Born penniless with only the clothes on his back, he must fight against the world crying justice, he must loftily defend the powerless people suffering under the violence of those who possess power, and he must grasp the sword not with the righteousness of his hand, but of his heart. Joseon's most chivalrous fighter, a man who lived his life with determination, Dong Soo! Orphan. Beggar. From being an outcast, he upended the entire nation with the sword of the people.Born with nothing but his two fists just like us, achieving the ultimate martial arts from complete nothingness, the life story of Joseon's master swordsman Dong Soo fills us with thrilling, vicarious satisfaction and hope.