날카로운 수사력과 끈질긴 집념으로 무장한 탐정 이다일. 탐정 사무소 조수 정여울과 함께 유치원 원아 유괴사건을 맡아 수사하던 중, 여울이 과거 동생의 자살 현장에서 목격한 의문의 빨간 원피스 여인과 마주친다. 함께 빨간 원피스 여인을 쫓기 시작하는 다일과 여울. 그들은 여인의 정체를 밝히고 사건을 해결할 수 있을까?
We live in a world full of hatred and rage, where people are not even surprised by horrible and heinous acts of crime anymore. While some continue with their lives shivering in fear, some decide to end their misery by taking their own lives. The lack of humanity in our world led us to believe that we can't put our trust in others. But what if these heinous crimes and horrible accidents were caused by something other than humans? What if there was more to what meets the eyes in this world? This is a story about a private detective and his sidekick whose mission is to solve mysterious crimes by hunting down spiritual beings.