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백지영, 공현주 등 많은 연예인들이 사랑하는 헤어 관리템! 탈모예방, 지루성 두피 완화, 비듬 및 피지 완화용 전문 샴푸!온라인몰 에서 구매 가능하며, 전화주문은 월요일 - 금요일: 6am - 5pm PST (714-266-1432)로 가능합니다.

Anti-hair loss & scalp therapy system derived from plant-based formula promotes the growth of hair follicles, maintains healthy hair, and enhances growth during the hair cycle, delaying aging. You can order at and phone orders are also available on Mon~Fri: 6am - 5pm PST (714-266-1432).

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