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단씨 집안의 별장에서 열린 성대한 파티에서 미스터리한 두 여인이 나타나고 일식이 일어난다. 2023년으로 타임슬립한 조선시대 양반 가문 여인 두리안과 김소저는 순수함과 우아함으로 단씨 집안사람들에게 큰 인상을 남긴다. 그들의 등장으로 단씨 일가는 시공간을 초월한 기묘하면서도 아름다운 러브스토리에 휘말려든다.
Two women from a noble family in Joseon Dynasty get to time-travel and meet some men living in 2023. An eclipse happens when the two women mysteriously show up at the grand party in the Dan family's vacation home. The two women's appearance leads the Dans into a strange yet beautiful story transcending time and space. Du Ri An and So Jeo are pure and elegant women from Joseon, and they're mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Their story develops as they get to meet Baek Do Yi and rich men from the Dans. How will this unique time-traveling story unfold?
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