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육아와 살림에 치여 하고 싶은 일도 미루고 가고 싶은 곳도 포기해야만 했던 그녀들에게 24시간의 자기만의 시간과 하고 싶은 일을 할 수 있는 100만 원을 지급한다. 과연 대한민국의 엄마들은 하루 동안 어디서 무얼 할까?
For mothers who had to put their dreams on hold, who put their children’s needs and wants before her own, who gave up on exploring the world so that their children could dream bigger, this show gives 24 hours of perfect freedom and the money to spend on her whim. With the time and money on their hands, what will our mothers do and where will they go?
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