가상의 국가 기관인 '미확진진료센터(UDC)'의 의사와 조사관들이 산업 재해 피해자들을 치료하고 사고 뒤 진실을 밝히는 활동을 그리는 드라마. 뛰어난 직업환경전문의 중은은 이혼이라는 시련을 겪는 와중에 UDC에 합류하고, 동료 연구원인 허민기와 함께 산업 재해, 인위적 환경 재해, 직업병 등의 진실을 찾고 가해자에게 책임을 묻기 위해 열심히 일한다.
In modern society, some people are neglected and suffering. They are often involved in unfortunate events, such as industrial accidents, and end up dying. Most of the disasters could be prevented in advance with little attention. However, some companies or public organizations tend not to prepare for potential accidents because of the high cost. That's how industrial accidents take place. Doctor Detective is a drama where medical doctors treat the patients suffering from industrial accidents and look into the truth behind the accidents. The drama story starts when Joong Eun, an enormously talented medical doctor, gets to join an undiagnosed disease center(UDC) in the middle of experiencing difficulties in her personal life. And she starts to look into her patients' diseases caused by industrial accidents and work on revealing the truth concealed by those with power.