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노련한 괴짜 법의관 백범과 열혈 신참 검사 은솔, 환상의 공조가 다시 시작된다. 이제 경험과 노련함도 갖춘 검사 은솔은 여전히 별나지만 능력있는 백범, 자신의 상사인 도지한 검사, 그리고 국립과학수사연구원과 검찰청의 최고의 멤버들과 함께 일한다. 어느 날, 백범이 1년 전 사건을 떠올리게 하는 특이한 시신을 부검하면서 공조수사팀은 다시 한 번 도전에 직면한다.

While crimes continuously evolve, their cooperation also gets enhanced. The real and flawless collaboration among a cranky forensic pathologist, a passionate rookie prosecutor, and an experienced prosecutor gets revealed! Eun Sol, the rookie prosecutor, has become a more mature prosecutor, while Baek Beom, the genius forensic pathologist, has not changed at all. They keep working with Ji Han, the veteran prosecutor, to investigate the mysterious Man Sang case. All they have are the traces the dead left behind, their bodies. Baek Beom encounters the first \"silent corpse with no traces.\" As Man Sang's DNA was extracted from the carbonized corpse, he officially became a dead person. However, Baek Beom still doubts his death. With his suspicion remained unsolved, a year passed. Baek Beom strives to investigate and reveal the truth of the Man Sang case alone. And another case breaks out and leads him and his partners to a new path.

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